The Fashion Cuisine / Dark Shades


Haven’t worn this blazer for a while, even though I still found it as one of my most amazing purchase. In fact, haven’t worn almost all of these items for years. The skirt, that is actually a dress was bought about 3 years ago and I worn it only about three times.  Such a pity, when I open my wardrobe and I see some of the clothes simply hanging out on the hunger for years without even be touched or worn once. Frankly, I’m not exactly kind of person who buys a lot of clothes just to know that her wardrobe is ”fully equipped”. I usually think quite a lot before buying something, but it happens sometimes that I get such a crash on an item that I don’t even realize that I’m not gonna wear it more that a couple of times cause it doesn’t really fits my style. So, I’m planning to organize a small wardrobe sale, unfortunately it would be available only for Moldova and Romania residents.  I’m gonna be really sad to see my clothes leaving me, but I’m pretty sure they will find a good home to go.
I will upload the items in a few days on my Facebook page, so stay tuned!
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