The Flavour Style / ICY BLUE


Dear readers, hope you are doing well!
I am writing from New York, it’s been almost a month since I’m here, it feels so unusual, especially in winter 🙂
I chose a pretty girly look I would say 🙂
The pure cotton of this dress reminds me of porcelain dolls, which are very specific ones. Because of their expensive price, the fabric quality of the dresses is a very good one and also is made out of beautiful colors, mostly pale ones.
Maybe you noticed on my Instagram profile pictures with Olympia Le Tan’s Clutches, in today’s post you can see it more clearly the way it looks, definitely a worth detail in your wardrobe.
Have a great week with spicy moments 🙂 !



Foto Foto Foto Foto Foto Foto


Was wearing :
Dress – Ulyana Sergeenko (similar)
Coat – Chloe 
Shoes – Chloe (similar)
Clutch – Olympia Le Tan
Necklace – Diana Broussard
Earrings – Dior

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